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A discord based rp

© 2022 Ikeiman zombiitrash Blindo.Knifu libran_dreamer

Oh???a visitor, Hello!are you here for the election?yes? great!how can we help you?
-tv head

WARNING: Whilst we will not do a check on what age you are, it is highly recommended that you are of 18+ age to join this roleplay as it may contain topics unfit for younger minds. The roleplay will contain death, explicit violence, gore and mentions of drugs, human trafficking, organ harvesting, and other unsettling topics. If you do not feel comfortable with the topics listed above or anything similar to them, it might be a sign this roleplay is not for you.


Acidity City is a story-driven roleplay set in the futuristic world and roleplay’s namesake, Acidity City! To outsiders, AC is viewed as a Utopia. Though we all know it's a dystopian city. You'll be picking from one of the four gangs presented to you and joining them in their fight for control through a sick game meant for entertainment for these naïve fools,Just kidding! 🌚of course I meant fellow precious consumers!! (city people included of course!).you'd think as long as you're good at fighting you'd win.❌ wrong. ❌Have to remind you here, this is a election. Outsiders can prevent you from winning if you don't appease them enough! So where's that charisma? Give me a bigger smile!living here is hard sure is hard 😰😰. why did you decide to throw what limited time you have to this?


It is the year 2XXX and in the heart of the overly populated Island, a fierce competition for dominance over the city is about to begin!The competition, is a election that takes place every 2 decades. deciding which candidates will get to rule over the city,Obtain almost all access to the city’s technological advancements,power,wealth,connections and everything that you could ever possibly dream of for next 20 more years.But the elections here are never easy,no,there is risks of losing everything you've built, your empire, your relations and your life. Just by participating.Participants will have 6 months to eliminate their rival leaders by any means possible as long as it adheres to the rules!simple right?Congratulations to the following 4 gangs that have managed to pass the elimination process last year and gain the rights to participate in this election.Citric Dolls: Violetta Bon MorettiBlack star Fruit: Arias AmosStrawberry Guro: Lucie OrgaviPoison Berries: Mayella ArkwrightMay the strongest and smartest survive this bloody game and bring this city to new heights!ohFor the rest of you at home, everyone will be able to have access to this juicy content on all live streaming platforms.Keep a eye out for any updates!


1) We'll be applying a three strike/warning system to the server.first - will be a light warning
second - we'll have to talk it out
Third - you'll be kicked out without any questions.
2) Please be respectful to others. Acknowledge their limits and boundaries.3) Please do not make any major decisions (e.g. Killing off characters) without consulting a mod.4) No creating characters who have the following traits of a Mary/Gary Sue, Meta Playing or being able to God mod.5) No forcing ships! If you want to ship with someone, ask them politely in DMs.6) Absolutely no stealing. Including the use of someone's art without permission/credit, trace someone's art, and/or steal designs from other people.7) It's highly recommended that you have to be 18+, the roleplay will contain death, explicit violence, gore and mentions of drugs, human trafficking, organ harvesting, and other unsettling topics.


Q: What happens after my gang leader dies? Do I just die too?A: For the sake of avoiding influx of people going into other groups when one group is eliminated, we are not permitting others to just simply join another group when your leader is dead. Though, there's no need to fret as in the case your gang leader dies, you'll be able to continue participating in the main lore.Q: My Character is dead, what do I do?A: You can create a new one! Like clothes, people are replaceable. Even so, you aren't allowed to switch gangs.Q: How old can my character be?
A: 19-40 Years old [Humans & Oculaes]
1-50 Years old [Androids]
Q: What is my character's possible motivations?A: Could be loyalty, could be greed. Could be extreme admiration or the thoughts of shining amongst other gangs with the power you hold by following your boss.Q: NPC rules?A: you can only create 1 NPC to begin withNpcs can only be in your current gang, a outsider or in a smaller gang with no relations to the election.They will have very minor involvement in the rp, though it doesn't mean we'll deprive their interactions with the main characters during interludes.Q: If I were to join with a friend, would we both get in?A: You will have the option to ride or die :)Q: How active do I have to be?A: Events will be held at least once a week, so keep that in mind when applying to the rp. The plot moves fast so you may lose track if you're not active for long. Be there or be square. 😉